Fail Forward!



Theme word:

  • ACCOMPLISH – succeed in doing or achieving

(Oxford English Dictionary)


There is no failure except in no longer trying. (Elbert Hubbard)

Good morning Purpose-driven achievers!

I hope you are doing well and keeping safe during this time of pandemic-related fear and uncertainty.

One of the things I normally like to do at the end of a year is look at my goals to see which have been achieved. Of course I was well aware that pretty much none of them had been achieved but I checked anyway.

Now, there was one particular goal which appeared on my list every New Year but which I failed to accomplish by the end of my target period (twelve months later).

This continued year after year after year and I despaired of ever being able to tick this off as a goal achieved. It grieved me because there were times I knew it could have been accomplished, if only I’d just been more focused, self-disciplined and persistent.

In 2019, I was relieved and overjoyed that this goal (completion and publication of my book) had at long last been achieved.

That particular journey is now over but another one has begun.

Dear friend, where are you in your journey as a purpose-driven achiever?

Have you accomplished what you set out to do this year, or did you get side-tracked, even perhaps completely derailed?

If so, what are you planning to do to rectify matters? How will you re-motivate yourself?

If you can find the wherewithal to get back into the game, to forget those things that are behind you and press on towards that which is before, then you will have achieved a measure of success, in that you’ve decided not to cower in defeat, but get up and if need be, hobble over your next hurdle. You may not have accomplished something on your “to do” list yet, but you can still work on your “to be” plan.

Dare to be courageous and consistent. Decide to be content with God’s timing. Determine to be a purpose-driven achiever.

And don’t forget dear friend to celebrate the little successes along your journey. Don’t leave all celebrations until you reach your desired destination.

Have a blessed and productive week amigos!

Love Carol (aka Lady Cee)

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