My Word of the Year – LIVE!



If we believe that motivation is a key element to success and achievement, then we should pay more attention to it by accepting the responsibility of increasing it.

(How to be Motivated all the time – Peter J Daniels)


Hiya folks!

I do love the idea of a New Year, of turning to a fresh page or chapter in my life, yet still it normally takes me a little while to get back into the swing of intentionally pursuing my goals.

Yes. I do have goals! However, since 2020, I also started the habit of choosing a word of the year (WOTY). Have you heard about this idea?

If this is an unfamiliar concept to you, please click HERE for an explanation.

Now, whilst my goals normally relate to specific tasks I wish to achieve, in terms of my writing projects and personal aspirations (i.e., my “To Do” list); my WOTY relates to my spiritual journey and relationship with God (my “To Be” agenda).

This year I decided on the word LIVE!


Because for the past 3 years a member of my family has passed away. There is nothing like the death of a loved one to ram home the fact of one’s mortality and, sad to say, once you are gone you are gone!

King Solomon puts it like this:

Whatever you do, do well, for in death, where you are going, there is no working or planning, or knowing, or understanding.

(Ecclesiastes 9:10 The Living Bible)

After the death of my beloved sister and best friend last year, I kinda felt lost in the rawness of my grief. I was torn between not wanting to use my loss as an excuse to procrastinate, yet just not feeling motivated to do anything.

I felt guilty about being alive, yet not making the most of my life.

These loved ones have gone. There will be no more opportunities for them to pursue dreams and goals… to dine and dance… to laugh or sing. But I am still here, and I am alive!

I chose the word (LIVE) because it reminds me that I don’t just want to exist, drifting aimlessly from one year to the next. I want to flourish. I want to thrive. I want to pursue my purpose and live a maximised life, as far as I possibly can.

I also chose this word because of the scripture Habukkuk 2:4, which reminds us that the just shall LIVE by faith. So, my WOTY for 2024 not only encourages me to make the most of my every-day life but it also reminds me that as a Christian woman, faith is an important aspect of my daily living. It is faith that elevates my life, bears me up from the low levels of a mundane existence to the supernatural level of God’s glorious kingdom. I choose to embrace and live up to God’s ideals.

And so dear friends, although Solomon’s observation is a sobering one, perhaps its truth can be a form of motivation to you this year.

Do you have a Word of the Year? If not, which word would you choose? Please share in a comment box below. I’d love to hear from you.

Wishing you all a super-productive and maximised month!



A Purpose-driven Achiever

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and found it inspiring. Would you be so kind as to share your thoughts in a comment box below? Do you know anyone with whom you can share its message? Then please don’t hesitate to do so!

With thanks, in anticipation of your support.

2 thoughts on “My Word of the Year – LIVE!

  1. Sherileen Lambert 04/03/2024 — 2:46 pm

    Hey Aunty C,

    I so hope you get this message.

    A very powerful, sobering and motivational blog. Love. Love. Love.
    Keep writing and inspiring



    1. Hi Sheri,

      Yes, I got your comment. Many thanks for reading and leaving me your response. Have a blessed and productive week.😃


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