MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY – End-of-Year Assessment

Hello Purpose-driven achievers,

We are approaching that time of the year again – the last month of the year!

December is a good time for looking back and assessing where you are, in respect of your dreams, in respect of those goals set at the beginning of this year. Or did you forget all about them? Did you lose interest and abandon them? Or are you someone who suffers from Failure Syndrome? If you need help in this area, then please check out the corresponding post.

RELATED READING: Failure Syndrome

December is also a good time for reflection.

Are you happy with your progress? If not, why is that?

  • Was it because “life” interrupted, and sent you off course? Then please don’t beat yourself up about it! Start from where you left off, if appropriate. Or start again. And keep starting again, if necessary. Don’t give up!
  • Was it because you were undisciplined or lazy? Decide whether your goal is a worthy one and assess the reason why you want to pursue it. And if you haven’t got a strong enough reason to keep you motivated during the ups and downs of your goal’s journey, then don’t be afraid to ditch the goal that no longer excites you.


  • Was it because you became discouraged? Is there a book, accountability partner, personal coach, or YouTube video you could turn to, and reignite that motivational spark?
  • Was a lack of organisation the problem? Did you use a diary, or planner, or ‘To Do’ Lists? Did you review them and prioritise the items? If not, perhaps this is a strategy you can try going forward. But, if you did use some kind of planning or reminder tool, perhaps you had too many goals. Try focusing on one or two at a time, and once they are achieved, you can move on to others.
  • Did you even write down your goals? No? Then my dear friend, you should be aware that an unwritten goal or dream, is merely a wish. So, unless you believe in, and have a fairy godmother, your wish is unlikely to come true!
  • Did you rely solely on your own ability, or did you enlist the help of the Holy Spirit? Remember, God’s Word advises:

Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty—you will succeed because of my Spirit…

(Zechariah 4:6 The Living Bible)

Dear friend, it does not matter how knowledgeable you are, how gifted, skilled, or talented. Having the Holy Spirit on board gives you an edge. And whenever you feel stuck, or have no idea what to do next, or when and how to do something, you’ll be relieved and grateful that you have a source of divine wisdom and creativity to call upon.

Whilst writing my two books: Petitions From My Heart and Ritual, Routine, or Remembrance? there were several instances where I did not know how to articulate my ideas, or how to present a particular argument in a way that made it difficult for anybody to gainsay.

I asked the Holy Spirit to help me, and he did! And even now, whenever I come across those areas in my books, I still marvel at the way the Holy Spirit dropped the right words or approach into my spirit, I still offer God thanks for the wonderful way in which he enabled me to resolve each problem.

Dear reader, I hope the above thoughts and ideas will help you to conduct a balanced end-of-year assessment and I hope you will either be pleasantly surprised with your progress or feel motivated afresh to try again.

Wishing you a blessed and productive week.

With love,


Author, Blogger & Purpose-driven Achiever

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and found it inspiring. Would you be so kind as to share your thoughts in a comment box below? Do you know anyone who would benefit from its message? Then please don’t hesitate to share it.

With thanks, in anticipation of your support.

2 thoughts on “MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY – End-of-Year Assessment

  1. Carol – another wonderful post. I loved reading about your personal experiences of the Holy Spirit’s guidance in writing your books.

    I have just finished writing my post for this week which will publish tomorrow and it seems we have both chosen similar images (photos) and a message around the power of the Holy Spirit to guide us.

    I always think messages layered are the ones God is repeating to me… so reading your post was wonderfully encouraging.

    I loved this question: Did you rely solely on your own ability, or did you enlist the help of the Holy Spirit?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Jacqueline, how lovely to ‘see’ you again! Thank you so much for engaging with me about my post. I especially appreciate how you tell me which bit speaks to your heart. I’m intrigued about your post and the fact that God is saying similar things to us both. So encouraging! God bless you Jacqueline and may the rest of your week be a productive.


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