Your Reason WHY!



Theme word: Reason:

  • A justification or motive for an action, belief etc.

(Definition taken from: The 21st Century Dictionary)


All our dreams can come true; if we have the courage to pursue them.

Walt Disney

Hello dear friends and followers,

Thank you for taking the time to honour me with a visit and thank you for your kind support throughout the year.

As you will have noticed, 2022 is rapidly drawing to a close. We now have less than three months to either get our act together, or continue making steady progress on our project, depending on where we are in terms of following through with our personal aspirations.

Now those of you who have followed this blog for a while, will be aware that my purpose for each month’s “Monday Motivation” is to encourage and motivate both myself and visitors to pursue their God-given destiny and achieve their goals and aspirations. Each new month presents us with another opportunity to assess our progress, to review or reset our goals.

Mondays, as the beginning of the working week, are typically viewed in a negative light, and many of you will be familiar with that dreaded malaise, the “Monday Blues”.

Do you suffer from this?

Reasons may differ but usually this occurs because individuals hate their job, dislike their boss, or don’t get on with their colleagues.

Now it does seem an awful shame for anyone to have to spend 30-40hrs per week, 12 months of the year, for the best part of their lives, in a job where they feel unhappy. And I’m aware from personal experience and the reported experiences of others that a good salary, a respectable job title and a seat at the table with so-called high-fliers or company influencers, doesn’t always make for a fulfilled and happy bunny.

So, what to do?

In her book, Abundance Now, Lisa Nichols wisely points out that instead of hating our jobs and pining to become our own boss, we should change our mindset. She suggests we treat our current job/career as a means of financially investing into our future. In other words, build up some savings which will act as a cushion for the time ahead when you decide that you want to fly the employer’s nest.

So don’t be too impatient to join the Entrepreneurs Club, if you don’t yet have the means to support yourself whilst waiting for financial success and fortune to smile upon you!

Now, for those of you who may dread their job and are nursing hopes of leaving for the green pastures of self-employment, Nichols’ advice may not be welcome. If this is the case, I pray God grants you the grace needed to be able to swallow that pill of delayed gratification, until it becomes financially viable for you to leave.

Meanwhile you can plan, set long-term goals, and work at your dream during the evenings and weekends. You can also be praying about your vision and asking the Holy Spirit for direction, empowerment and help with creative ideas or solutions, particularly if your dreams seem beyond the realms of possibility.


A few years ago, I remember a top UK model saying she would not get out of bed for less than £10,000. Now I know she was not talking about a yearly salary. What I didn’t know however, was whether that sum related to the hour, or the day. Whatever it is, I doubt there are many (if any) among us, who are so fortunate as to be able to command such a fee. We will therefore have to find other means to motivate ourselves, in order to consistently work towards our dreams.

Are you clear about your reason why?

It does not have to be, in fact I’d go so far as to say it should not only be, money that motivates you.

As a full-time employee who spent most of my spare time caring for my elderly mother, I realised the majority of my time was being spent catering to the needs of others. I’d wasted years talking about my dream of becoming a published writer but had not pursued the dream.

I became afraid that I would die and take my potential with me to the grave. A desire to use the little bit of spare time I had left over, to fulfil this long-held dream, plus the determination that I would not become that regretful figure standing before my Lord, head drooping in shame because I hadn’t sought to pursue and fulfil my destiny, became my WHY.

If you’ve never considered the reason behind why you are pursuing your dream, or if you feel your WHY is not a strong enough motivation, then perhaps you would appreciate the following ideas and suggestions:

  • You desire to be a blessing to your family and friends.
  • You owe it to God, yourself and those within the realm of your influence.
  • You wish to develop and maximize your potential.
  • You have observed a need and have a burning desire to fulfil this need.
  • You feel challenged by, or admire, the achievements of others.
  • You have experienced a tragedy that has aroused your righteous anger and you wish to create, or be, a solution.
  • You realize that the status quo could change at any time and therefore wish to capitalise on your life, whilst you can.

So, now that you’ve got your why, how can you remain motivated?

There are those who realise they can’t rely on themselves to keep the motivation going, so they hire a mentor or a coach. However, not everyone can afford this, so what alternative measures can we take?

Brian Tracy advises that regularly reading your list of written goals with target dates, will act as a reminder of what you are seeking to achieve and also provide fresh motivation.

Learning from experts in the field of interest we wish to pursue (via books or videos), are a ready source of motivation.

I find I am often inspired by looking at the achievements of others. Seeing others move past their obstacles and press on towards the completion of their dreams, can be a powerful means of motivating self.

I also find that reviewing both general and personal words of prophecy, are another source of great motivation.

Whenever I struggle to maintain consistency and despair of reaching my finishing line, just recalling my past achievements encourages me and acts as a spur towards future accomplishments.

Finally, a passionate desire to express my creativity, achieve personal satisfaction, or explore the full capacity of my uniqueness, has been a significant incentive for pursuing my dreams and walking in my purpose.

Dear reader, I do hope this post motivates and inspires you. I pray these last few months of the year will find you fulfilled and fruitful as you pursue your aspirations and achieve, or work consistently upon, your dreams.

With love,

Carol E. Hind – Author, Blogger and Purpose-driven Achiever

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and found it inspiring. Would you be so kind, as to share your response in a comment box below? Do you know anyone who would benefit from its message? Then please don’t hesitate to share it. With thanks, in anticipation of your support.


4 thoughts on “Your Reason WHY!

  1. Carol – this is such an inspiring piece. This stood out for me…

    “I’d wasted years talking about my dream of becoming a published writer but had not pursued the dream.

    I became afraid that I would die and take my potential with me to the grave. A desire to use the little bit of spare time I had left over, to fulfill this long-held dream, plus the determination that I would not become that regretful figure standing before my Lord, head drooping in shame because I hadn’t sought to pursue and fulfill my destiny, became my WHY.”

    As the owner of both of your books – I’m so glad you fulfilled your goal. Here’s to many more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Jacquie, thank you so much for your precious comment and for being one of my biggest fans. You have truly encouraged me and I pray God will bless me with many more fans as encouraging and zealous as yourself! God richly bless you.
      And Amen – here’s to many more! 🙂


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