Prodigal or Profitable?

If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality.

Benjamin Franklin


It’s Saturday morning!

This time last year, I was a full-time employee and part-time carer for my beloved mother, who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. This time last year, on a Saturday morning, I didn’t have the luxury of a whole day to myself, with which I could do exactly as I pleased.

This time last year, I was ruminating with regret over past years and decades, when I’d enjoyed a similar luxury but hardly ever spent my spare time in a meaningful way. How I wished I’d used my time more wisely!

Last year, out of necessity, I had to put my dreams and goals second place.

Purpose-driven believers and aspiring dream-achievers, realise that your spare time, is a precious commodity. You never know what your future holds. Don’t be deceived into thinking you have all the time in the world to achieve your dreams, accomplish your goals, fulfil your destiny. And if you are currently a “free agent”, pretty much able to spend your leisure hours doing as you please, don’t be deceived into thinking that your current situation will remain the same, indefinitely.

Fulfilling goals and dreams, or the destiny God has pre-ordained for you, requires diligence, hard work and the productive use of your time. If you are in the habit of squandering those precious moments, spending an exorbitant amount of time on activities that don’t really matter… that don’t add value to yourself… that don’t take you forward in the direction of your dreams, then you may later regret it (as I did!).

Don’t let slothfulness, procrastination, indecision, fear or folly rob you of the quality time you have available now, which could be spent productively on pursuing your dreams. By the time you wake up, or decide to pursue you dream in earnest, circumstances may have changed. You may find yourself having to juggle unexpected responsibilities and having to squeeze in micro-moments for yourself. Take it from someone who knows. Take it from a procrastination queen!

There are two types of wisdom available to you dear reader. There’s the one you acquire from your own hard-earned experience, and the type you gain from listening to and learning from the hard-won experience of others.

In the context of using your spare time profitably, which type of wisdom will you choose to learn from this year?

Wisdom is the principal thing;

Therefore get wisdom.

And in all your getting, get understanding.

(Proverbs 4:7 NKJ)

Purpose-driven believers and dream-achievers have a blessed and productive week.

CREDIT: CC0 Image – courtesy of

***     ***     ***

Are you guilty of wasting your spare time, or are you a workaholic?

Did you enjoy reading this post? Please let me know your response in the comment box below. Likes, ratings and shares will be most gratefully received.

Best wishes,



“…If you love what you are doing, you will be successful” – Albert Schweitzer

My other blog: (Women of Warfare!)

My Google Collection: (Soul Surgery)




8 thoughts on “Prodigal or Profitable?

  1. Carol, thank you so much for sharing this message. I needed to read this right this moment. I’ve been dilly-dallying on certain decisions and it almost seems as though this is a confirmation.

    Please, could you shoot me an email to so that I will have your email and we can coordinate the interview that I mentioned?



    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so very welcome Jacqueline. And thank you so much for telling me this. Appreciated and encourages, which I’m in sore need of this morning. Will email you as requested. Thanks.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post, Carol! Your words here truly spoke to my heart. I needed this. Thank you so much for sharing, sweet friend! GOD bless you, Love! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Tai for stopping by and for the encouraging comment. It’s good to see your lovely smiley face again!
      I am so happy to hear this post has blessed you – praise God!
      Wishing you a profitable, God-glorifying year throughout 2017.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are most welcome! Thank you! And likewise, Love! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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