Yes. You. Can!


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Have you heard of “Failure Syndrome”?

What is it?

  • It’s a pattern of thinking, a negative stance on how you perceive the past failures in your life.
  • It’s any self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviour you habitually engage in regarding your goals and aspirations and personal endeavours.
  • It’s the undermining mind-set you’ve established regarding whether or not you will, or indeed are able to follow through with your dreams.

If you have been following A Purpose-driven Achiever for at least two years, you may recall a post in which I sought to encourage readers to develop the habit of being a finisher. Recent followers, or anyone who’d like to remind themselves of its content, please click here.

Are you someone who has a personal record of failing to finish what you’ve begun? Then there’s a strong possibility that you are now suffering from failure syndrome! It may be mild, it may be chronic.

If you recognise the symptoms then you need to get rid of this disease without delay! Don’t allow your personal history, or Satan’s taunts to mess with your head, to stymie your progress.

Now don’t get me wrong. Failure is a part of everyday life and we need to have a healthy perspective regarding it. Remember Thomas Edison, of whom it is said, he’d made 1000 experiments before succeeding in creating the lightbulb?

And consider Robert the Bruce, who taking inspiration from a spider, went on to win a significant battle.

Whilst researching for this post, I came across a site and was encouraged to see just how many other people struggled to achieve their dreams. It offers hope to those (like myself), who are not known for being finishers.

Are you in need of encouragement, or seeking inspiration? Then click here to read about these successful individuals who refused to give up.


Failure makes up the sturdiest stepping stones on our journey through life.

(Tally Oliveau)


Are you struggling with a sense of failure? Perhaps you can pick up a few tips from this post:

One of my favourite scriptures in God’s Word declares that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13).

Have you lost your confidence?

Ask the Holy Spirit to come alongside you, to help and empower you. Decide today – are you going to believe God’s Word or are you going to succumb to the debilitating disease of failure syndrome?

Dear reader, you CAN be a purpose-driven achiever. You CAN fulfil your destiny. You CAN create and enjoy an abundant life that is both self-fulfilling and God-glorifying.

Yes. You. CAN!

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)


Do you need a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.









Did you find this post encouraging? Do you have any stories of struggle or triumph to share regarding your dreams/goals?  Please share your thoughts in a comment box below and if you know anyone who could benefit from its message then don’t hesitate to share it.

Thank you.


8 thoughts on “Yes. You. Can!

  1. Sherileen Lambert 24/08/2020 — 5:42 pm

    Good evening Aunty C,

    I love your recent post. My goodness, it speaks to the hearts of so many people. Including myself. This post has given me some food for thought as I’ve got a few challenges – things I need to complete coming my way!

    Thankyou for another inspiring post.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much Sheri for reading and responding. Apologies for the delayed response. I’ve not been checking my blogs for a while, as I got caught up in other things.
      Glad my blog post inspired you and I hope you are able to overcome your challenges. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this post, Carol! The fear of failure alone can paralyze people into doing nothing. We, as humans, especially if we have a more intuitive leaning, like to ‘connect dots.’ We think those thoughts of, “If ___ happened last time I tried this, why wouldn’t it happen again, just the same?”

    It’s my personal belief that, sometimes, we are doing the right thing at the wrong time. Or, sometimes we’re doing the right thing and God’s timing just hasn’t lined up perfectly yet for it all to make sense. In these moments, our test of faith and endurance happens. (Yikes, I don’t like that test!)

    Failure can be a great learning tool, even though we don’t really like it much. It can teach us where we have old thinking patterns or are going down the wrong path entirely. I don’t know about you, but for me, it can be difficult to discern when the struggle is simply a test of faith or God saying, “This isn’t it. Move on!” I suppose it’s the peace we feel, or don’t?

    I love that you quote Philippians 4:13. It’s true, when we know God is calling us to do something, He WILL give us the strength when we rely on Holy Spirit. That doesn’t make it easy, but it does give us the oomph to push past discomfort.

    We are more than overcomers and this old lie of Failure Syndrome has to bow to Jesus’ truth of who we are. You’re right – if we get our understanding from God’s Word – we could never fail. We can only learn what didn’t work. 🙂

    Our past no longer holds us. We are made new in His most glorious grace every single day.

    Sending my love to you, friend. Oh, how I love reading your posts. Sorry, I’m so far behind on reading and replying. Some medical things happened and I’ve been a bit out of it. Just trusting God to do what He does best! I pray you & yours are well? 🤗

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Dear Holly,
      Apologies if you thought I’d ignored your comment. I just have not been doing anything blog related for the past 2 months or so.
      I’ve now responded to your first comment on this post.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Dear Holly,
    As usual, thanks so much for reading and engaging with my blog posts. You do so with such enthusiasm and I love the extra dimension you bring with your added thoughts in response.

    Apologies for the delayed response. I’ve not been doing anything blog related for the past 2 months or so.

    I received your email updating me on your medical matters and am praying for you Holly. I am hoping that as at time of writing you are well, since I have not heard from you since sending my response. Entrusting you and your physical welfare into our beloved Father’s capable hands.

    Carol 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is a very encouraging post. I think I should make more of an attempt to watch my thoughts and be more encouraged by the word of God and the wise words I come across.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello dear blogger,
    Welcome and thanks for reading this post and engaging with me. I appreciate your encouragement and am glad this post touched you.
    I read/heard that it takes about 17 positive comments to counteract 1 negative criticism, so building yourself up with God’s Word and motivating/nurturing yourself with the wisdom nuggets of others, is so important, indeed vital.
    You mention about making more of an effort, so at least you recognise that the power is in your hands. Dear friend, I know you can do it!
    Hope to see you around again. Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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