To Be, Or Not To Be!




Do you like whom you are becoming?

Best wishes,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

God’s Purpose-driven Achiever





2 thoughts on “To Be, Or Not To Be!

  1. Ooooh…. such a power-packed sentence in only a few words, sister! Wow. That one really gets the wheels spinning, doesn’t it?

    You know, one of the things I love most about being a Spirit-filled Believer is the nudge Holy Spirit gives us when we’re veering too far from His path. Not implying we always heed His warning, though! (sigh) God’s peace is so profound that losing it is too high a price to pay in my book. I’ve made that mistake plenty in my past, and it’s a choice I’d rather not repeat.

    Stepping back from our busyness really can give us some insight into who we are and who we are becoming. Our small, day to day choices, are like little pebbles forging a path to somewhere. Either that somewhere is beneficial to us or detrimental in every way, especially spiritually.

    I pray we all have enough awareness to examine ourselves honestly along the journey. It can save us a whole lot of heartache down the road! Lots of love to you, Carol. I love your prompts!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Holly,
    You have a wonderful way with words! I love this: “Our small, day to day choices, are like little pebbles forging a path to somewhere. Either that somewhere is beneficial to us or detrimental in every way, especially spiritually.”
    Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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