Sunday’s Snippet

Have a blessed and victorious week!

Love from:

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

7 thoughts on “Sunday’s Snippet

  1. You too Carol 🙏❤️

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      1. You’re welcome Carol 🙂

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  2. Amen! One word is all it takes. I’ve lost count how many times during the dark moments of life that Holy Spirit would whisper a life-giving word, cause the exact right song to play on the radio, or send a message through one of His kids that destroyed the darkness with light.

    Each and every time His faithfulness and goodness is witnessed in my life or someone I love, it honestly takes my breath away. It’s then we realize just how close and intimate our Lord is with our thoughts, our hearts, and the suffering we feel. Wow — what a powerful realization! Isn’t it?

    I love you, Carol. Thank you for always being such a beautiful light in this crazy world. You are a blessing! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. And thank you Holly for your generous support and comment. 🙂


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