The 4 E’s of an Abundant Life

Horn of Plenty

I am currently reading Abundance Now by Lisa Nichols, and I’d like to share the following thoughts with you.

Now, I believe that Lisa’s definition of abundance is one that anyone could subscribe to (no matter who you are, where you live, or what your financial status is), without feeling the need to adopt an unrealistic lifestyle, or set yourself in competition with your friends, work colleagues or neighbours, because YOU will determine what YOUR life of abundance looks like—not international celebrities, or the smooth tongues of prosperity preachers, or the rich relative who’s always showing off their latest material asset!

Lisa says:

Living a life that you love and loving the life that you are living is the truest demonstration of Abundance.

Isn’t that great!

Do you agree?

Lisa goes on to describe 4 components of that abundant life. They are:

  • ENRICHMENT (of self)
  • ENCHANTMENT (from your relationships)
  • ENGAGEMENT (with your work)
  • ENDOWMENT (for your financial ability in the future to serve/bless others)


For myself, I believe I’m doing quite well in terms of personal enrichment through:

  • vibrant fellowship with God and the reading of His Word,
  • exposure to other interesting and informative books


  • listening to motivational or inspirational videos.

I’d rate myself at 80-85%.


With regard to my relationships, this has always been a weak area particularly in terms of friendships, which I tend to neglect.

Unfortunately, I do enjoy my own company so don’t always feel inclined to develop this aspect. Past experiences mean that trust issues are a significant factor. However, Lisa’s definition of abundance has challenged me, causing me to take thought.

I would hope my family members recognise my concern for, commitment to and support of them, although I’ll admit that “enchantment” is not always how I’d view my relationship with them. As for members of the Body of Christ, the less said, the better!

I’d rate myself at 55-60%.


I am not sure how to assess engagement with my work, since I am currently not employed.

“Work” at present, is the writing of my second book and related activities. My progress is up and down.

I’d rate myself at 70%.


As for endowment, I need to update my current financial mind-set, work harder and trust God to open the necessary doors of favour and opportunity, so I can put a reasonable plan in place.

This area needs a lot of attention!

I’d rate myself at around 45%.


Which of the above areas do you need to work on, and which one are you happy about at this point?

NB: There is no wrong or right answer. Your journey as a Purpose-driven achiever should be measured only against your own aspirations and achievements, plus the calling God has placed upon your life.  Even if you don’t share your response below (I hope you will), I believe it would still be a valuable exercise, for you to assess the balance of your current lifestyle.

Wishing you all a safe and mega-blessed week.

Best wishes,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Are you needing a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a purpose-driven prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.



2 thoughts on “The 4 E’s of an Abundant Life

  1. Carol, I honestly can’t get enough of reading your blogs. Your writing is incredibly refreshing and thought-provoking. I love every masterpiece you create! I can almost see God sitting next to you, smiling, nodding His head, and stating, “Oooh, that’s good!” 😁 The two of you are excellent co-creators, my friend!

    I had a rather strong reaction to the “Enchantment” paragraph. Carol, it was as if I could have written those words myself. Every word was extremely relatable. I too enjoy my solitude and develop most of my friendships online – partly because it’s hard to find like-minded individuals in my life. To me, a couple of true and trustworthy close friends are far better than a circle of so-called “friends” that wouldn’t be there if the going gets tough. Do you find ‘typical’ conversations such as small talk, celebrity gossip, trendy stuff, and the like to be almost insufferable? I do! 😊

    Personally, I probably need to work on enrichment the most. I often feel guilty if I’m not doing something to help someone or some other work-related task. Unfortunately, my personality is such that if I don’t get enough down-time to just be still and quiet, I crash; physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s not a pretty sight. The elusive ‘balance’ is what I need Holy Spirit to help me with.

    Admittedly, I LOVE this definition of abundance from Lisa and wholeheartedly agree. Culture’s notion of abundance is not my own. Material possessions often come with more financial stress. I don’t need that. We all feel ‘full’ in our lives through different means, just as you described in the opening paragraph. Deciding what abundance means for us takes the power away from money-hungry individuals.

    We find peace of mind when we dream with God and allow Him to introduce us to ourselves. When we are in the ‘lane’ He created just for us, that is true abundance. Excess pressures, stressors, and expectations melt away when we realize that whatever we needed to accomplish the dreams He placed in *our* hearts – we already have it. Being true to who and how we were created is a blessing beyond description.

    The peace of His purpose and presence is an abundance no amount of money could buy. ♥

    I love you dearly, Carol. You are gifted, heard, valued, appreciated, anointed, and an all-around amazing woman. Thank you for being you and for sharing your wisdom with all of us! We’re blessed because you’re here. I’ve missed you! BIG hugs headed across the miles to you.


    1. Wow Holly,
      I really don’t know what I have done for God to send me such a wonderful and encouraging person to celebrate and appreciate my writing ministry! You have once again given me something to print off and keep, so I can refer to this during my low points.

      I always look forward to your comments because you engage with my posts with such enthusiasm and bring another perspective that augments my original message. Thank you so much for the time and effort spent at my blog reading and then posting your comprehensive and meaningful comments.
      To tell you the truth it is usually me smiling, thanking the Holy Spirit for his wonderful ideas and help with articulating them!

      Thank you for sharing about your struggles about achieving balance in your life. I don’t think you are on your own. I have struggled and continue to struggle with the same. Lisa Nichols mentions in her book that trying to seek a work life balance is impossible and a myth. She suggests we seek instead to achieve harmony.

      Thank you again for your encouragement and support Holly. I pray God blesses you with an abundant and abiding harvest of support with respect to your own dreams and ministry.
      Have a lovely weekend dear one 😃💖


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