Monday Motivation (Feb 2021)

White, Sheet, Bed, Room, People, Girl, Woman, Sleep

What motivates me to get out of bed, particularly on a Monday morning?

I’ve heard it said that some models won’t get out of bed for less than a certain amount. I don’t enjoy such a luxury and I’m sure most of my readers don’t either.

So what motivates me?

The fact that God’s Breath is within me. The fact that each day I awake, I realise I’ve been given the blessing, the opportunity to acknowledge my maker and express my gratitude for his goodness.

I am motivated by my Father-God’s magnanimous love for me… by the sacrifice of his Son… by the fact that I know God has a plan for my life, which fits into a bigger plan for my loved ones, my brothers and sisters in Christ, even my nation.

I am motivated by another opportunity received to get things right, which I’d previously got wrong!

I am motivated by the realisation that God has given me his success tools, so I’m able to build my life both upon and with durable materials, rather than destabilising, or sabotaging it with wrong thoughts, attitudes and behaviour.

I am motivated by my ever-increasing desire to please God, to bring him glory—the glory he so rightly deserves.

Now, I have to admit that sometimes that motivation has me springing out of my bed with energy, faith and optimism but there are times when it just about pushes me out from the warm covers of lethargy and inertia, to face my fears and weaknesses and follow through on my dreams and commitments.

What motivated you to get out of bed this morning?

Wishing you a safe, satisfying and productive week!

Lots of love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart

Do you need a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a purpose-driven prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.



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2 thoughts on “Monday Motivation (Feb 2021)

  1. Sherileen Lambert 15/02/2021 — 11:20 am

    Morning Aunty C

    Thank you again for sharing your thoughts and inspiration through the power of words.

    I really loved this particular blog, not just because I’m slightly biased due to being a family member, however, your blog resonates a profound message of hope and appreciation. Thank you again for writing a wonderful blog.

    Keep writing ✍ and inspiring 🤗👏🏾.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you dear Sheri. You are allowed to be biased! Glad it inspired you though and thanks for your encouraging support . 🙂


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