Procrastination or Productivity?


To procrastinate, or not procrastinate? That is the question!




Procrastinate: To put off doing something that should be done straight away, especially habitually or to an unspecified time. (Chambers 21st Century Dictionary)


Procrastinate: Defer action, be dilatory. (The Oxford Illustrated Dictionary)


Procrastinate: Putting off what you can do today for “tomorrow” (which never comes!), simply because right now: I am too discouraged, or too tired, or can’t be bothered, or are afraid to take the risk. (Lady Cee – Purpose-driven achiever)



“You are where you are and what you are because of yourself, nothing else. Nature is neutral. Nature doesn’t care. If you do what other successful people do, you will enjoy the same results and rewards that they do. And if you don’t, you won’t.”
Brian Tracy, Focal Point: A Proven System to Simplify Your Life, Double Your Productivity, and Achieve All Your Goals


It has been said that procrastination is the thief of time. It is also the thief of your potential, your self-confidence, your future, your destiny. Because each time you indulge in the habit, you are robbing yourself, you are undermining your possibilities, you are sabotaging your destiny.

Procrastination. Even the word sounds hard and unfriendly!

Procrastination is a bad habit and like all bad habits they have most probably been practiced over years – so breaking that habit will take firm resolve, determination, persistence, indeed a plan.

In his book, The Writer’s Idea Book, Jack Heffron recommends that instead of focussing on this bad habit, you should take the approach of replacing it with the opposite or desired action. So for example, if you have procrastinated in writing daily in your journal, start programming yourself to not not write in your journal. In other words, stop focusing on the fact that you are not doing and begin focusing on doing.

Why do we procrastinate? Why do I procrastinate?

Fear, discouragement, laziness, being a perfectionist.

What are we/what am I afraid of?

When it came to completing my book project, fear and a perfectionist mind-set prevented me from making decisions. For example, my manuscript had been completed and I needed to move onto the next stage of pursuing publication but I found the process so bewildering.

There were so many schools of thought, and many people setting themselves up as experts. And there were so many conflicting pieces of advice that fear of making the wrong decision, immobilised me and made me put off making a decision.

Another reason why we can procrastinate is discouragement, which causes us to lose focus.

Well guess what purpose-driven achiever, if the devil realises this is your modus operandi, if your brain cottons on that this is how you regularly operate, then Mr Diablo and your subconscious are going to make sure that the procrastination pattern not only continues but they will supply you with a regular hamper of despair.

How about a nice plate of self-pity? Or a side dish of low self-esteem? Or a bowl full of rejection? Or a cup of pessimism? Go on have a full blown pity party!

And because someone snubs you, or falsely accuses you, or offends you in some way, your focus is diverted from the person you want to and are aiming to be, or the project you are trying to complete. Procrastination prevents you from moving forward towards your destiny, towards the fulfilment of your dreams. Procrastination renders you an unprofitable worker in God’s service. That’s why I just had to break up with Mr P (if you would like to read the letter ending my relationship with him click here).

Procrastination is a hungry beast, with an undisciplined appetite. The more you feed it, the more it wants and the fatter it becomes, ‘til it develops into an obese monstrosity in your life, such that it will take drastic measures to rescue you (think of those TV shows about obese people who eat until they cannot move or perform daily functions, so that firemen have to remove windows, or even the roof, in order to rescue them).

Procrastination destroys your potential.

So now we’ve seen the damage procrastination can do, how can we recover? How can we escape its trap? How can we move towards the opposite behaviour and mind-set?

First we need to decide, what is the opposite behaviour and ideal mind-set?

Industry. Diligence. An ‘I can do this’ attitude. It is self-confidence and self-discipline.

Now, through personal experience and discussion with others, I believe the main reason we procrastinate, is fear. Whether it is fear of failure, fear of success, or fear that we are not as talented or proficient as we believe, or are required to be.

Best-selling author, Meika Patton, raises this issue in her post Procrastination, Resistance, Fear? Join the Club (click here).

She says:

if you send out fearful thoughts, you are sending out a low frequency vibration that will attract more things in your life to be fearful of. We always attract our vibrational match. We are in a sense magnets.


So, what can we do to counteract fear?

I’ve heard it said that courage is not the absence of fear but the decision to take action in spite of our fears.

There are many instances in the Bible, where God seeks to encourage us not to be fearful. We need to meditate upon such scriptures and literally take them to heart.

Purpose-driven achiever, the Lord is with you, has equipped you and will enable you.

Commit your dreams and endeavours into his hand. Trust him to bring your godly dreams and desires to pass.

He did it for me and I know he can do it for you.

Why am I so convinced?

Because God is no respecter of persons. Because God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Because you are his masterpiece.

So make your choice today – procrastination or productivity?

With love,


Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart

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Related post for further reading (click here)

QUESTION: Do you struggle with procrastination? Are you allowing this deadly thief to rob you of precious time, of your dreams, of your destiny? Please share your thoughts in a comment box below.

If you know someone who would benefit from this post, then please don’t hesitate to share it. Thank you.




12 thoughts on “Procrastination or Productivity?

  1. Hi Carol – This is a great piece. This sentence hits the home run for me: “Procrastination renders you an unprofitable worker in God’s service.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Jacqueline. I appreciate you reading and leaving me your comment.


  2. I just purchased your e-book – can’t wait to read it. (Your link above closes out of your blog page when it goes to Amazon – just needs to open to a new page)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Jacqueline, thank you so much for buying my book.I appreciate this.


      1. Hi Carol – I just wanted to say I love your book – its beautifully written and so nourishing. I’m glad I brought the e-book because it’s on my Kindle app on my phone which means its with me always and I know I will refer to it again and again.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Dear Jacqueline,
        Thank you so, so much for your kind words and feedback, which have blessed me enormously and put a smile upon my face. Apologies for the late response. I have been neglecting my blogs whilst concentrating on other things and your comment was an unexpected surprise and is such a boost to my morale. I am so happy you were blessed by reading PFMH and your intention to refer to it. I hope it will inspire your prayer life and draw you closer to God as you continue to use it and I pray the blessing and favour of God will rest upon you and your loved ones. Thank you once again for investing in this resource and for your encouraging feedback. 🙂


    2. Hello Jacqueline, just re-reading your message today and realise I did not respond to your comment about the Amazon page. Thank you for pointing this out. You should be able to right click on the Amazon link for options to open in a separate tab. That way, you can visit the book page at Amazon and keep the blog post page you are reading. Hope that helps. 🙂


  3. Wow wow wow, Carol! You have written this to perfection! We must think alike, because I have a post in my draft folder on Wholeness Haven about procrastination! I too believe that it is rooted in fear. Which fear depends on how the enemy attacks us individually. Nonetheless, it is still that nasty fear. The spirit of fear is relentless when it is unchecked.

    I love what you said here: “Fear, discouragement, laziness, being a perfectionist.” You are absolutely correct! Perfectionism, especially when it stems from a history of rejection, is particularly pervasive, in my humble opinion. Perfection doesn’t exist as we were created to need a Savior.

    Even when it comes to the works of our hands, God takes what we lack and fills it in with His all sufficiency. No matter what we do – God always gets the glory! Pretty amazing when you think about it, isn’t it?

    I’ve also noticed that where we are the most distracted is typically the place of our greatest calling. The enemy has no desire to see us put our focus on what God has called blessed. I have started paying attention to where I am procrastinating, distracted or discouraged. Holy Spirit began to show me that the fight is always where the blessing is. Pushing past the initial discomfort reveals the plans of God over our lives.

    All my love to you, dearest sis. I’ve shared this on social media because you have brought us a powerful message straight from the heart of God! 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Holly,
      Thank you for reading this post and taking the time to leave me your comment. It is so appreciated. And I look forward to reading your post about procrastination whenever it is uploaded (although perhaps you have included some of your message in this comment!). I did not realise you had another site (Wholeness Haven). I will be along at some date to check this out.
      Best wishes,

      Carol 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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