Wishing you all a purpose-driven and productive month

Hello dear friends and followers,

A happy new month to you all!

I wonder if you have missed me during my prolonged absence, as much as I have missed you.

I wonder if you know how much I appreciate you all. Pease don’t think I take any of you dear ones for granted. I appreciate every visit, every positive response to my posts, every new subscriber.

As anyone knows who has lived a certain amount of time on this earth, life happens! “Life” being the highs and lows of personal situations, the swings, and roundabouts of challenging circumstances.

How have you been dear friends? Are you still seeking to pursue your purpose and achieve your destiny? I do hope so!

As for me I found myself temporarily stalled by the unexpected deaths of two very dear people close to me, a truly sweet brother-in-law, and a beautiful sister to whom I was very close.

But no matter how floored we might feel about devastating events that occur in our lives, we must eventually pick ourselves up and endeavour to move on. After all, we are still alive. And as that wise man Solomon observed:

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.

(Ecclesiastes 9:10)

So, my dear friends, whilst God’s breath remains in us, we still have an opportunity to pursue our dreams, and make a positive impact upon those who come within the circle of our influence.

Friends and followers, I wish you a happy, satisfying September as you move forward in life, pursuing your goals for God’s glory.

With much love,


Author/Blogger/Purpose-driven Achiever

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4 thoughts on “Wishing you all a purpose-driven and productive month

  1. Ah,
    Long time Carol and so good to meet you again on here.
    So, so sorry to hear of the personal losses of people so dear to you.
    I have been visiting word press very intermittently also due to life events.
    Thank you for sharing such a reflective post which makes me realise what I have been missing during my absences and comes also at a time when I am trying to get in touch again with my spiritual self.
    Please could I reblog this post Carol?


    1. Of course you can reblog Margaret. I am honoured you wish to do so. And thanks for responding to my post and making your lovely comment.


  2. Sherileen Lambert 04/09/2023 — 11:34 am

    Dear Aunty C

    I was so happy to see you’ve taking up blogging again. Well well done! I totally understand that life throws us some serious knock backs , which can throw us of course and cause feelings of encouragement. You’ve done so well to get back to your using your talent to blog again. Lovely blog. Very positive and inspiring in its tone .

    I look forward to the next blog. No pressure. Just saying 🤗🤗

    Liked by 1 person

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