Paradise Lost or Paradise Regained?

Image by: M. Maggs –


This post is an invitation to paradise – a place where there are no troubles, trials or tears. The invitation is open to everyone and yet it is often ignored. If you’ve already accepted – congratulations! If you have not – what will you do? Be wise. Choose life. Choose paradise!

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Hey reader!

Yes you! The one who believes you are the master of your fate and the captain of your own soul. The one who feels you have no need of God. The one who makes every single possible excuse for not acknowledging His existence, who perhaps even denies the reality of a living, loving God.

Did you know that every human being on this earth has the breath of God within them? Do you accept that we are spirit beings? Yep – that’s absolutely so. We are spirit beings housed in a physical body. So what has that got to do with me (you may be thinking)? Why should I care?

Well, my dear precious reader, whether God/truth-seeker, agnostic, atheist, fence-sitter, or however else you may categorise yourself, when your body dies, your spirit being (the REAL you) remains alive. And your spirit being is destined to spend eternity either with God, or with Satan!

Who gets to decide where you spend that eternity? You do!

Does the idea that you are deciding your own fate, determining your eternal destiny make you feel afraid, confused, uncomfortable? You need not be – the truth and solution to your spiritual predicament is simple.

Even though neither I, nor you, nor anyone else for that matter, had done anything to deserve this supreme act of love and kindness, God planned a way of escape for us (and Jesus executed this plan), so that we can enjoy eternity with Him. Just listen to what He has to say about this:

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

John 3:16-18 (New King James Version)

All you need to do is realise and accept you are in need of rescuing from the fate of eternal damnation, through the only person (Jesus) who can deliver you. Simple isn’t it? There’s no test you have to pass, no high-level board you have to sit before and impress, no astronomical entrance fee. Just:- Admit. Accept. Ask.

  • Admit you have sinned and fallen short of God’s standards
  • Accept you cannot save yourself through good works, good morals, or some other “enlightened” pathway
  • Ask Jesus to save you (i.e. rescue you from an eternity in Hell)

Now if you are experiencing an increasing sense of discomfort at these words, please do not worry, ignore, dismiss, or try to suppress. Do you remember I mentioned at the beginning that we are all spirit beings? The uncomfortable feeling is just your spirit, reacting to the conviction of this gospel truth. Believe me, if you press on, that uncomfortable feeling will soon go away and you’ll be glad you persisted.

If you are willing, and if you believe, you can change your fate and ensure your destiny with God. Today. Right now!

If you’re ready to take that step and wish to cut to the chase before you change your mind then please see prayer below.  If however, you are able to bear with me a little longer whilst I elaborate, I’d appreciate you lending me your ears for a bit longer.

Adam and Eve committed sin (I do hope you know the story about the snake, the forbidden fruit and the Garden of Eden*), causing the entire human race to become tainted and doomed to death. Further, Adam’s treachery had the effect of legally transferring ownership of our souls to the control of Satan.

However, God who created you, who loved (and still loves you), devised a plan, which enabled Him to redeem (or pay the ransom price) and rescue you from the evil clutches of his arch enemy, Satan. God sent His Son Jesus to this earth and Jesus willingly died the cruel death of crucifixion, so you and I can have a choice about where we spend eternity.

All you are required to do is:

  1. Believe you are in need of salvation (i.e. rescuing from the death penalty)
  2. Believe Jesus died for you
  3. Accept God’s incredibly generous and FREE gift of salvation.

HeavenHellSign(geralt)-115393_960_720Now for the decision bit. TODAY you have a choice – life or death, eternity with God or eternity without Him (i.e. eternal punishment).

If you would like to choose LIFE and ensure your destiny in paradise (where there will be no troubles, trials, or tears – Revelation 21:4) then please say the following prayer:

Father God,

I come to you today in the name of your Son, Jesus. I want to thank you for making it possible for me to spend eternity with you. I recognise I am in need of rescuing from the penalty of sin. I believe Jesus died for me and I accept He is the only way through which I can escape eternal punishment. I repent of my sins and ask your forgiveness.  Jesus, I invite you into my life as my Saviour and my Lord. Amen.

If you prayed the above in all sincerity, congratulations! There is a party going on in heaven right now because you’ve made this life-changing decision.  You now belong to the family of God. Whoo hoo! Congratulations and welcome!

To help you, so you are not left floundering and wondering what to do next, the following links will give you a good start and provide the guidance you need. I’d also suggest that you talk to a Christian friend and/or find a church to attend and receive support.

Did you choose life? Did you choose paradise?

If you didn’t – why not? Don’t delay for another day, for you do not know what tomorrow will bring.

If you did pray and make the above commitment, please let me know in the comment box below. Telling others cements your decision and reinforces within your heart the new step you’ve taken, plus I’m sure there’ll be others who will want to congratulate and welcome you too.

To all who made it this far, thank you for giving me your precious time. Thank you for reading/listening.

*See Genesis 2:15-17; Genesis 3:1-13

19 thoughts on “Paradise Lost or Paradise Regained?

  1. I love your site and your post. I love your heart for the lost. You have a heartfelt way of writing that is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement and for taking the time to leave a comment. This is so appreciated. Bless you and you are very welcome. 😃

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Nominated you for the Liebster Award!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello @vercellonopace thank you very much for following me and for nominating me for this award. It’s very kind of you and I do feel honoured however, I don’t accept awards.


  3. Beautifully written blog post!Your gift is amazing! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow! Thank you so much Michelle for this encouragement. It is truly appreciated, as is your taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. God bless you. 😃

      Liked by 1 person

      1. May God bless you as well. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Righteousness is that counts. Jesus recommends that. And that is the way to Heaven, I mean a Super Highway.
    Who knows how and what of Heaven, all scriptures and mythological scripts talk of that, to make know that it is so and so, the ultimate target is to lead a Righteous life. On the highway shall come someone who shall take us there faster, that someone maybe Jesus himself.
    I would not want to go into much details as it shall lead to war of words…… and I would not want to invite one… hahaha
    Jesus understood in proper perspective makes all the sense….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Shiva for sharing your thoughts on this subject which I do appreciate. Without the interaction of people’s likes and comments this would be a dead place!
      And no, we do not want to start a war of words. We want my place to be a place of harmony, good will and beauty – just like yours Shiva.
      Thank you for visiting – a pleasure as always to see you! 😃

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh Dear Lady! You are right, when you say without the interaction……would be a dead place.
        What I mean war of words is … spirituality is so vast a subject, as vast as the universe or even more. There are various schools of thought and each his own favorite. Truth shall prevail. As we enter so shall the petals open for us to draw the nectar.
        I am so much overwhelmed having to meet you here and it is always a pleasure like you to me too. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hello again, dear Shiva,
        I always love when you drop by as you are so generous with your time and comments.
        I am aware of what you meant when you spoke of “war with words”. I gathered from that your views differ from mine and that you did not want to say anything which may conflicts with my view. I appreciate that. As you say “Truth shall prevail”.
        Thank you Shiva for your smiles, hugs and poetic thoughts and for sharing your sunny personality with me and my visitors. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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