You Are Never Too Old To Dream – This Is Why!


MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY (1st Monday of each month)

Sharing and Savouring Secrets of Success…



You Are Never Too Old To Dream!




“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”


I have seen the above quote attributed to C. S. Lewis and also to Les Brown. I am presuming that the quote originated from Lewis, but at this point I’m not that concerned. I’m just glad I found a quote relevant to this theme.


Fears of Passing Years?

Dear friend, follower or visiting reader, do you entertain fears that your ship has sailed, that opportunities have passed? Do you wonder whether you are too old, whether it’s too late to achieve your ambitions, pursue your destiny, follow your dreams?

It is tempting to think that dreams are only for the young. After all, they still have much of their lives before them. If they’ve not yet found their niche in life, not yet accomplished their goals, not yet discovered their purpose, then potentially, they have years in front of them to do so.

Well, whilst I was researching this topic, I was surprised to see a post from a woman who had entertained similar fears at the grand old age of 30yrs. So what of those who have moved past the age bracket of 30-40 yrs, or 50-60 yrs, even 70-80yrs?


Foolish or Faith-filled?

What of those who feel there are less years in front of us than there are behind us? What of those who are concerned that whilst time is slipping by, whilst maturity means we cannot abandon our responsibilities and run off into the sunset to pursue our dreams, the opportunity and potential for realising said dreams is ever decreasing?

Should we still hold onto our ambitions? Should we still cling to those cherished dreams? Should we still seek to discover and pursue our destiny?

Before I answer that question, let me just say that as purpose-driven believers, our first frame of reference whenever we want direction, need a troubling question answered, or seek godly wisdom for our lives, should be the Word of God. That said, what does the Bible reveal? Listen up!


Some Dreams are in God’s Hands

  • Abraham – fulfils his dream of fatherhood at 100yrs old (Genesis 21:5)
  • Caleb – at the age of 85yrs felt as fit as he was at 40yrs and subsequently fought and drove out the inhabitants of Hebron, taking that city as his inheritance (Joshua 14:10-14)
  • Moses’ dream of becoming Israel’s deliverer only started to take shape when he was 80yrs old (Exodus 7:7)
  • Simeon’s cherished desire to see the promised Messiah with his own eyes, came to pass when he was in the winter season of his life (Luke 2:25-32).

And so, if this message speaks to you where you are at, be encouraged dear one. You are never too old to dream!

Perhaps some of you are still sceptical. Yeah right, Lady Cee. I hear you. But how about showing me a modern day example – huh?

Ok. I will do.


A Modern-day Inspirational Icon

Have you heard of Deshun Wang? I do hope you haven’t! But if you have, allow me to refresh your memory.

Below is a 2min video (I beg you – please, please don’t skip it!).

Prepare to be blown away! Prepare to have your biases, concerns and reservations about old age and the pursuit of dreams challenged. Prepare to have negative preconceptions regarding the parameters of success dislodged.

And now, allow me the pleasure of introducing you to Deshun Wang.



Purpose-driven believer and aspiring dream-achiever, I trust you have been encouraged, inspired, yeah motivated afresh. Have a wonderfully blessed and fruitful week.

For further relevant reading check out:

Pursuing your dreams? Be tenacious!

Use spare time wisely – whilst you are still able!


***     ***     ***

Did you enjoy reading this post? Were you encouraged in any way? If so, please do not hesitate to let me know your response in the box below. As usual, your likes, comments and shares are gratefully received and appreciated.

CCO Image (courtesy of


10 thoughts on “You Are Never Too Old To Dream – This Is Why!

  1. You speak my heart. We are never too old to dream and aspire.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! Thank you for reading Jacqueline. Hope you enjoyed the video!


  2. I do feel time is slipping away! Time seems to move quicker the older i become. Early on in my childhood I was labeled a day dreamer. All of my school report cards from my teachers commented on them how I never pay attention as if it were a bad quality. I always perceived it as a badge of honor because I could. When asked why by my parents. I told them the teachers were boring and acted like they did not like being there. 😊 I love to dream! I am not withheld by no boundries!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know the feeling John (time slipping away fast). Keep dreaming John.😃 Thanks for reading and leaving your comment. Appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello dear blogger,
      Thank you so much for sharing my blog. It is so appreciated. Will pass by yours later to explore. 😃


    2. Hi, I have been to your site and tried to leave a comment several times without success.
      Thank you so much for sharing my blog with your followers. Absolutely appreciated.
      The Lord bless you and I hope this message gets through!


  3. I use to count the years, Not anymore, I am too busy enjoying my new discovered talent, writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well done! I’m pleased to hear this! Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving me your comment. Appreciated!

      Liked by 1 person

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